A Berner by any other name
Bernese Mountain Dogs are often referred to as Berners, Bernese, BMDs and yes - even (incorrectly) Burmese or Bermese Mountain Dogs!
Berner puppies for sale! Where and how much?
Many websites advertise Bernese Mountain Dog puppies and choosing a breeder can be confusing. We can help you with everything you need to find a responsible Bernese breeder and a healthy, happy puppy with the best chance of becoming and remaining your faithful companion.
Lots of Berner resources
Or maybe rescuing a Berner is right for you. Either way you'll find great resources here as you begin your Berner quest.
"My new Bernese Mountain Dog puppy is the best puppy ever. She has made life so much fun and she loves to play with other Burmese mountain dog puppies. Thanks BERNER Inc. for helping me in my Berner puppy search."
- Rosemary G., Brattleboro, VT
"I am so impressed with the way you and your Bernese Mountain Dog rescue group handled this whole thing - I can't begin to tell you how grateful I am for both of our sakes (Roxie's and mine). I did not know how Rescue groups worked and I certainly learned a great lesson. I am very grateful because she is such a wonderful dog and certainly deserved a better life than what I could give her."
- Jo Ann C., Shelton, CT
Quick Links
Berner Puppy Search
Everything you need to identify a good Berner breeder.
Bernese Rescue
Learn how to adopt or foster a Bernese Mountain Dog.
Financial Aid for Veterinary Care
Explore financial assistance resources for your Berner in need.
Shop for Rescue
Go shopping and support BERNER Inc. while you're at it!